Marketing Plan

I. Introduction

Description of the plan

Company Mission

Business Objectives

Rationale for establishing the business objectives

II. Executive Summary

Product Environment

Marketing Objectives and Goals


Market Share


Summary Of The Marketing Strategy

Market Characteristics

Marketing Strategy

Threats and Opportunities



Market characterization:

The general market trend can be characterized by slow growth and fluctuations up to 2016 when Brand I introduced its new product range, "Exceptional", with electronic controls. The product was first introduced in Region I as a test market. Then seeing its success, Brand I introduced the new washing machine range in Region IV accompanied by an extensive marketing campaign. These campaigns resulted in substantial market growth.

Market development and final forecast per region:

Region I: This region was used as a test market by Brand I for the introduction of its new washing machine product range in 2016. The test market was very successful resulting in an 3.8% increase in the first year in units, then 7.3% and 8.8% for the following years. We expect a correction in 2019, then a continued stable growth around 3% in unit sales. In value, the market growth was even more spectacular: 5.6%, 10.4% and 9.2% respectively. After a correction in 2019, the forecast model in value sales shows a growth pattern of around 4%.

Region IV: Seeing the success of the new models, Brand I launched and aggressive marketing campaign in 2017 which resulted in a 9.7 increase in units and a 10.2% in market value.

Region III: Second most important market with sluggish growth; The new product range will be introduced in 2019 but with limited marketing support. We project a growth rate approximately 2.5% in units but only a 1.2% growth in value.

Region II: slow growth, stagnating market. The new product range will be introduced in 2019 with a projected growth rate of 4.6% in units but only a 1.2% in value. The low increase in value is primarily due to selling many of the old models at discounted prices.

Other Regions: are projected to grow by approximately 1% in units but 2% in value on an average.

Market strategy:

Region III and Other Regions will be our primary target markets. They will offer the largest growth potential to our brand due to our current strong distribution and relatively limited competition.
During 2020/21 will put more emphasis on Region III with the introduction of the new product range.

Potential target segments:



It is anticipated that by the end of the planning period, three brands will have introduced a new product range. Due to this competitive pressure price cutting may become an important factor which in turn will put pressure on the bottom line.

The total market growth in units is estimated to be round 4% per year during the planning period while the market growth in value will fluctuate between 0.1% and 6.2% .


In Region IV, which is the largest market, there is already strong competition. It is thus the Other Regions which will, primarily, offer expansion possibilities.

III. Market and Competition

A. Market


Market Size and Forecast

Market Characterization: Product Lifecycle

Importance of Geographic Units

B. Competitive Overview

Major Competitors

Brand Sales and Shares Trends

Brand Shares Forecast and Objectives

Description of the Competitive Strategy

Competitive Strengths and Weaknesses

IV. Financial Overview

Business Objectives

Profit Objectives

Marketing Expenses

Cost Reduction Plans

P & L Statement

Breakeven Analysis

V. Marketing Strategy: A. Product

Summary of Marketing Strategy

Product Definition

Product Positioning

Competitive Advantage - Advertising Message

Target Consumer Segment

Product Line Composition

Brand Image


Service Policy



Market environment definition:

Consumer washing/drying needs that can be satisfied with electric/electronic appliances.

Consumer base definition:

Households - our current products aim at satisfying the needs of households. The commercial use of washing machines/dryers will offer new opportunities.

Target market definition:

Washing and drying needs of households.

Product category positioning:

Our news product range takes advantage of the latest technological development, therefore our target market will be young professionals in the higher income bracket. We will aim at the middle and higher price range.

B. Price

Importance of Price

Price Objectives

Target Prices per Product Type

Competivie Price Strategy per Brand and Geographic Unit

C. Distribution

Importance of Distribution

Types of Distribution

Distribution strategy

Target Channels and Target Brands per Channel

Competitive Strategy

Possible New Channels

Sales and Share Objectives per Target Channel

Distribution Objectives

Strategy per Determining Factor

D. Communication

1. Summary of the Communication Strategy

2. Advertising Strategy

Advertising Objectives

Advertising Message


Media Plan

3. Sales Promotion Strategy

Promotion Objectives


Promotion Plans

4. Publicity Strategy

5. Public Relations Strategy

VI. Market Research

Market Research Objectives

Research Plan

Marketing Research Budget

VII. Management

Description of Current Organization

Manager Responsible for the Plan

Team to Execute the Plan

Personnel Needs


List of Exhibits